Welcome to Greene Community Church! We’re thankful you’re taking a moment to look around! It’s our hope that this website will be an encouraging and helpful resource for you and your family.
If you are new to Greene Community Church, we’re hopeful the site will answer a few of the questions you may have about our Body. Please know we would consider it a privilege to have the opportunity to get to know you!
We’ve also created a “What to Expect” during your first visit at GCC that might provide a few helpful details. (See below).
With that said, enjoy your visit to our site! It’s been created with you in mind.
What to Expect Directions
Greene Community Church is located in Waynesburg at 653 E. High Street, Waynesburg. Please click HERE for a link to a Google map.
It's our hope that the following details may answer a few questions you might have about worship at Greene Community Church.
Special Parking
As our guest, watch for our guest parking sign indicating reserved parking spaces (on High Street, just past the church, on the right). If those spaces are full, as well as other spaces along the street, please feel free to park at McCracken's pharmacy.
Our special parking is also reserved for mothers with small children and senior adults.
Family Drop-Off
We also have a reserved spot just in front of the door for "Family Drop Off." Many families will pull to the front door, drop-off the children and then head to find a parking space, especially in inclement weather. If you are a mother with small children, we will also be glad to park your vehicle for you. Please just ask the greeter when you pull into the "family drop off" zone.
Coffee & Doughnuts
We invite you to enjoy the coffee, tea & doughnuts that are located in our multi-purpose room. Follow the aroma of coffee or ask someone to point you in the right direction! Lids are provided for your beverage so that you might be able to enjoy it worry-free during worship.
What will you see?
We hope you'll see the smiling, greeting faces of imperfect people who sincerely desire to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. As for dress, you'll see everything from jeans and skirts to dress slacks. Our focus is not that of wardrobe but instead that of worship.
With a desire for reverent worship, we are also very encouraging of children and the "unknown" that often comes with them! That means that you can expect to hear the sweet sounds of children during worship (talking, crying, gurgling).
Typically, we start out as an entire body worshipping together. It's great for the little ones to sing along with us as we lift our voices to the Lord.
Then, a few songs prior to the beginning of the message, should you so desire, we do provide a ministry called "Little Blessings" where care is given to those who are 3 years old and younger. However, please know that we always encourage the family to stay together, having your children with you. They are indeed a blessing and we are always delighted to see children of all ages worshipping alongside their parents and grandparents.
God's Word for Me
Just before the sermon begins, special "God's Word for Me" sermon guides will be distributed to the children who are in worship. Our pastor will make mention of these sheets, emphasizing the main theme of the message.
Tithes & Offerings
For those who desire to worship through the giving of their tithes and offerings, we have a basket located in the back of the sanctuary where you may place your offering.